Friday, September 6, 2019

Raggedy Annie Dolls

Finished a couple of dolls in between working on Christmas craft show items.

Have a Raggedy Annie doll that is a wannabe witch.  She's too cute so I'm guessing she will be a good witch.

And we can never not stop thinking about Fall weather.  Still pretty hot here in Texas so any cool weather will be a big welcome.

Hope you enjoy my new dolls that are available in my Etsy shop.  Check them out.

Have a wonderful weekend - until next time (not sure how long that will be, Lol).

All is Bright PatC

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Never say never....

Well hello everyone!  It's been such a long time since I last posted.  In fact since Jan 2019.  I know I said I wasn't going to post anymore, but truth be told I kinda missed it. 

 I have been keeping busy and blessed with the selling of my dolls.  Of course creating and selling my dolls is still not a business but a wonderful hobby that I thoroughly enjoy.  Especially since not only am I retired but so is my husband.  

There is so much to do now that we are retired.  We both have some hobbies, love to travel, love antiquing and hanging out with our friends.  There's always fun times with family and my beautiful granddaughter.

With all that said I missed blogging so I thought I'd share a couple of dolls that I just posted in Etsy.  I am also getting ready with crafting for the Fall craft show coming up and I'll share some of those pictures with you.

Well until next time - take care and blessings to all.

All is Bright PatC