Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bella - You're a Star!

So as posted previously, I'm still working the 20 dolls that were commissioned by my daughter's school. Here I have Bella. Her mommy wanted poka dots, red curly hair. OK - got the red curly hair - but oops, no poka dots, but stars! Here is what happened. I must admit, I do have a stash of fabric (love fabric!), but the poka dots I have are all pastel colors and with the red hair it just didn't look right. Oh well, I hope she doesn't mind the stars instead of the poka dots. After all I'm sure her little girl is a STAR!

I've done two dolls today - have a naked one ready for her dress - hummm - purple is the order this time. Happy sewing all!


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Doll Named Hope

This doll was made for a little girl by the name of Hope. Her mommy wanted her name somewhere on the dress. She is a sweet little girl and I know will be going to a nice home where she will be loved. Can you tell that her owner loves pink and brown! Pattern by My Raggedy Dolls. Gotta love her!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wool, Wool, Wool

Is one of my favorite fabrics. Not only is it easy to applique with, but you can purchase some beautiful dyed colors.

I especially like using wool with my Christmas crafts. I use it in wallhangings, table runners, pillows, ornaments, Santa's outfits, snowmen - just about anything and everything.

The easiest way I work with wool applique is by drawing my design on freezer paper. I then cut about a fourth of an inch around the design and iron (shiny side down) onto a piece of wool. After the ironed piece is cool, cut on the traced line. Remove the freezer paper and you then have the applique piece. So easy to applique - no turning under - just tack it down with DMC floss. I've added some of my work. Try it - soon you'll be hooked as I am! Happy sewing.....

Friday, March 19, 2010

Red Hat Lady Doll

Here goes my second ever posting! My sister-in-law belongs to the Red Hat Ladies Society and asked if I could sew her a doll with (you guessed it) a purple dress and red hat! Well here she is. I did cheat on the hat, which was purchased at Michales, but I think she came out real cute. The pattern was purchased from Julie Marcotte - My Raggedy Dolls.

I took the day off today specifically to work on some dolls that were ordered from my daughter's co-workers. My daughter, Andrea, is a first grade teacher who happened to take my granddaughher's doll to school for a "show and tell". Well before I knew it, she was emailing me with an order for 20 dolls! So off I go with painting shoes and socks! Gotta love it! Happy crafting all......and all is bright!

Monday, March 15, 2010

My Very First Post on My Blog

Hello - I'm Patricia, but all my friends and family call me Pat. And this is my very first time blogging!

I hope to come here often and share some ideas and have fun with my new found crafting friends. My love of crafting started a while back - I love sewing dolls, santas, quilting wallhangings, stitchery and working with wool applicates. My passion in crafting is the Christmas season. I do one craft show a year here, in San Antonio Texas, the week before Thanksgiving. That is all the time I have since I still work fulltime outside the home.

My favorite blog is Little Dirt Lane by Jess. I even purchased one of her doll patterns - Little Ophan Anne, posted up top. I'm still learning how to post pictures! Loved that pattern because it was easy to read and had great instructions and tips. Thanks Jess.
Well, this will be all for now - I hope to give some ideas, tips and show some of my crafts to you all soon. In the near future I plan on opening an Etsy shop and sell some of my items.
Happy crafting!
Pat - All is Bright!