Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas Doll

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Now it's time for the next holiday and one of my favorite ones.  Time for Christmas decorating, addressing Christmas cards, shopping and baking.  So much to do and not enough time.  That is why this will be my last Christmas doll.  She will be in my Etsy shop tomorrow.  I have two special orders for dolls and two projects to finish for Christmas gifts.  Then I will take a break to enjoy the rest of the time with my family and friends.  After all, that is part of enjoying Christmas - family and friends

I'll post a few more times before the end of this year - maybe share some favorite family recipes and who knows what else.  Meanwhile, thank you all for your special comments.  It means a lot to me and I appreciate each and everyone of you!



Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Speical Gift From My Son

Today when I got home from work I had a very nice surprise from my son, Andrew.  He sketched and painted on canvas one of my very favorite dolls.  Well, I do tend to like each doll I make - but I think this one has to be on the very top of "cherished dolls" that I've made.  Isn't she adorable?  What a nice surprise.  Thank you Andrew!  Love, love, love the art and you!

Here's wishing everyone a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving! 


Saturday, November 19, 2011

I Wonder If I've Been Naughy or Nice?

What do you think?  Noel has her Christmas stocking ready for Santa and is wondering if she'll get any goodies this year. 

Hi friends!  Craft show is over and I'm very happy to report that it was a huge success!  The only bad thing was that I didn't have any dolls left to put on my Etsy - but then again - I think that has to be a good thing - right?  Anyway, I got busy today and finished Noel and she is now sitting pretty in my Etsy shop.  I hope to start another one tomorrow plus I really need to start making a few Christmas gifts.  It is all coming so fast!  After this coming Thursday, Christmas will just be around the corner.  Wow!

Hope you enjoy my little Noel and may you all have a wonderful week!

Take care!


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Craftshow Set Up Day

Today was the set up day for the week long Christmas craftshow in downtown San Antonio.  I must apologize for the not so good pictures I took.  You know the feeling when you are almost at your destination and you think you packed everything and all of a sudden you remember something you forgot.  "Darn, I left my camera on the kitchen table".  And hubby says "I asked if you had everything".  So now I only have my phone camera to do what I can.

This is the grand house where the show will take place.  It's as beautiful inside as it is outside.  It was built in 1898 and has the same hard wood floors, stained glass windows,  8 fireplaces and a ghost that lives upstairs.  The house is just so wonderful to see.

My display is in the center of the room and you can view it from both sides.  It so upsets me to show these blurry pictures, but I think you can get the idea how I'm set up.  It's the best I could do.

The pictures below are from my sister-in-law, Bel's booth.  She does some beautiful work with wool.  These pictures do not do justice to her work.  Did I mention that I am her mentor!  Lol.  Bel just started the craft business and this is her second year.  I love her stuff!  There were several things I wanted from her booth to purchase, but her hubby (my brother) said, "no - Bel can make that for you for free!"  He is a silly, but adorable brother!.

That's it for now.  I'm glad this show is on the way and hope that by next Sat when we take it all down I won't have too many things coming back.  Now it's time to work on some dolls for my Etsy shop.  Have a wonderful week!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Some Of The Girls Ready For The Show!

Hi everyone!  Finishing up a few things and wanted to post some of the girls that are ready to be packed up for the show.  I have a couple more to do besides some Santas.

This little brown-eyed cutie just pulls at my heart strings.  She is going to be so hard to let go.  I really want to keep her.  Better hurry and gently pack her up before I change my mind!!  Can you believe after all the dolls I've made I only have one!  The very first one I made I kept.  She isn't very pretty, but I love her just the same.  Maybe one day I'll take a picture and post her.
Well, back to the craft room and see how much more I can get done before I have to hit the sack.  I have to get up at 5 am to get ready for another full day at work. 
Sweet dreams, my friends.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Seeing Angels All Around

Busy week - busy weekend.  Took two days off from work on Thursday and Friday to drive down to Houston TX for the International Quilt show.  I've been going to this show for several years, but this is the third year I travel with my two sisters and sister-in-law for the two day get away.  It's always fun and an adventure when the four of us get together.  Wish my other sister-in-law from California could make it too.  Below are a few of the things I bought.  Some new patterns and always some wool.  There are so many vendors and so many new things out there.  I always look forward to this show.   

 Speaking of shows - mine is coming very soon. Saturday is set up and the show begins on that following Monday through Saturday.  Here are some star snowmen I'll have out there.  The picture doesn't show the snow glitter on them.  I tea stained the warm and natural and added some rusty bells for their buttons.  These were fun to  make.

And I just finished these angels today.  I started yesterday and just completed them today.  I hope I have enough for a full week!  Guess I'll be burning the mid night oil this week!

I'll post some pictures of my craft display next weekend.  Have a great week.  Wish me luck!

