Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fabric + Body = Doll

Finished the custom doll plus an extra for my Etsy shop.  As promised from my last post,  here they are.......

I chose the rose fabric for the red head doll.  Both dolls are from a Sweet Meadow Farms pattern.

This is Allie and she is the custom doll made especially for Debby's granddaughter whose name is Allie.  She wanted a doll with red hair - Allie I hope you love her!  Debby is a blogger friend and we both have things in common - love of grandchildren and dolls.  Check Debby's blog at Cozy Blanket.

This blue-eyed little one wears her message "wish upon a star".   I can guess what she is wishing for - a home full of love.  She will soon be added to my Esty shop.

My next project are dolls for two flower girls.  My granddaughter Cadie and another little girl are going to be the flowers girls for my niece's wedding in March.  I've been commissioned (without pay lol!) to make each little girl her own flower girl doll.  Can't wait to begin these.  I went shopping yesterday for fabric, paint, ribbon and flowers to match their dresses.  I might post some pictures.

Until next time - take care my friends!



Thursday, February 16, 2012

Which comes first - the fabric or the doll?

For me it would be the fabric.  I love shopping for fabric and I normally buy fat quarters since that is usually more than enough to sew up a dress for my 11" - 14" dolls.  The fabrics above came together in a bundle.  I fell in love with this batch.  I purchased these at a quilt show last fall.  They are 1900 reproduction fabrics.  I am in the processing of sewing a doll for a very dear friend I met in the wonderful world of blogging.  I did a ballerina doll (which I posted a while back) for her granddaugther and now I'm working on a doll for her other granddaughter.  Hummm, we must be fair, each granddaugher should have their own doll. lol  This little granddaughter requested a doll with red hair - love the red hair raggedy dolls!  I've sewn two dresses which I'll need to decide which one to use.  I figured that either the rose or the yellow would work great with red hair.

Here are the dresses.  Still have to sew the pantaloons and then either buttons or an apron or whatever comes to mind.  I always pick out the fabric and then decide on the color for the eyes and hair and even the expression on their faces.  That is how I put together my little girls.  Love, love, love it!  Hope you do too!

I'll post the finished doll soon and we'll see if I go with the rose or the yellow.  Until then, take care!



Friday, February 10, 2012

Love Is In The Air.....

Awww - the month of February brings us Valentines, hearts, candy, flowers, love and even a sweet little girl dressed appropriately for this wonderful month.  Little Katie is ready to share her love, not only for February but every month of the year.  Don't you just love red. 

 Actually my favorite color is green.  So I guess I ought to be thinking about St Patrick's day coming in a couple of months! LoL   Any excuse to make another doll!

I hope you all have a very nice Valentines day!  Hug your loved ones and tell them you love them as often as you can.  Love is in the air.....love that song.

Little Katie is now in my Etsy shop and thanks for stopping by.  

