Sunday, June 28, 2015

Hooo hooo...

Is that how you would spell the sound of an owl - hooo hooo?  I know there are many different versions, but I think I'll use this one. lol
Happy Sunday all!  I've named my new doll Janie and she informed me that she loves owls.  Likes to collect them - so off to the craft table and one was created for her.
Getting pretty hot here in Texas.  I sometimes like to take photos of my dolls outdoors - wow - broke a small sweat today photographing Ms. Janie!
Have a wonderful week and many blessings to all.

warm hugs from Texas!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Poppy going Pink!

This little girl is loving the pink hair.  I named her Poppy.
Hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of the summer months.  We've had our share of rain here in Texas - but we really did need it.


I hope to have another doll by the end of the week.   Take care and have a wonderful week!


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Little Miss Darla and Her Dolly

Finished another doll.  Darla insisted on going to a new home with her own raggedy doll.

My little inspiration of the day:
Life is so much brighter
when we focus on
what truly matters....
With that - may you all have a wonderful week.
Warm blessings,

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Miss Phoebe and Mr. Teddy

Finished this doll today and listed her - but as I began posting her I received notification that she has been sold.
Miss Phoebe and Mr. Teddy going to Illinois.

 Love the name Phoebe - reminds me of that TV show "Friends".  Phoebe was the funny one!
Thank you so much to all of my wonderful customers. 
I am truly blessed and give thanks to our Lord each and every day.
Have a wonderful week.
sweet hugs,