Sunday, June 5, 2011

Chloe and Her Teddy

I've put aside my stitching long enough to finish two dolls. One is now with it's new home and this one will be ready to go in my Etsy shop soon. Her name is Chloe and she comes with her teddy bear. Doesn't she have a look like she is asking "Teddy goes with me, right?" Of course he does. I had fun making this doll.

I am also working on some Christmas pillows. I designed two and will soon have them posted along with the e-pattern's availability. I definitely want to do some with wool applique real soon. There is not such a thing as starting too early doing crafts for the fall shows!

Have a wonderful week and as always, thanks so much for stopping by and the most wonderful notes you leave. As I've said before, it brings a smile to my heart when I hear from my friends!


Sold - thank you!


  1. She's adorable Pat and so is her teddy bear!


  2. I love her... and what a sweet bear you made to take care of her. Hugs to you, Vicki

  3. Such cute faces... love her little jumper and teddy bear! Thanks so much for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!

  4. What an adorable raggedy. Yes, she does seem to be saying that teddy is going with her. :) They're perfect together, Pat.

    Thanks so much for linking up to the Sunburnt Cow Party. I featured you over at the Screaming Sardine.

