Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Rush Is On

 Feeling the pressure of finishing up a whole week's worth of crafts.  Yes, the rush is on folks.  This Saturday is the set up date, ready or not.  Come this Monday morning until the following Saturday they will come in droves from all over and shop at one of our biggest Holiday shows downtown San Antonio.
 I'll have all sorts of stitchery, ornaments, Santas, gingerbread men and of course my dolls.  Plenty of snowmen this year.  Humm, must be the year of the Snowmen!
 After this show is back to some custom orders and my dolls for Etsy.  The work never ends!  But loving it.
Have a fantastic week!
hugs to all,


  1. We spent Christmas in San Antonio a few years ago. It was magical! Feliz Navidad still plays in my head when I think about it. It was playing in so many of the stores! We got to see the parade along the river walk...it was one of those experiences you never forget! I love all of your pretty creations...especially the dolls!

  2. So many pretty little things. GOod luck with it all.

  3. You certainly have been a busy bee!! Looks great and good luck!

