Sunday, August 10, 2014

Witchy Woman

Awww - but this doll does not look like a witchy woman.  Had that tune in the head - Witchy Woman by the Eagles.
And she certainly does not have the "moon in her eyes".
Just added little Ms. Witch to my Etsy shop.  I really have to stop playing with dolls and start sewing Santas, snowmen and gingerbread men.  The Fall Craft show will be upon us before too long.
Have a wonderful week my blogger friends - until next time - blessings to all!


  1. Good morning Pat~
    I can't believe fall is right around the corner.
    Your witchy woman is so adorable.
    This post just made me realize that Tealyn' s birthday November 1
    will soon be here .. tears...
    And I need to start thinking about that.
    Your work is absolutely amazing.
    Have a great day..
    Many blessings..

    1. Oh my goodness - Tealyn is already going to be one soon. How time flies! Wait till she starts to walk. How so sweet. Love seeing her pictures in your blog.

      Many blessings to you and your loved ones


  2. she is so cute witchy doll , i love your little dolls hugs
