Tuesday, January 6, 2015

I'm on a roll...

Sending you lots of hugs and kisses!

I can't believe I finished another doll today!  Wow.
This is Lilly and this pattern is by Sweet Meadows Farm.  Love her patterns.
Until next time!
sending lots of xoxos,


  1. So Cute! I hope this 2015 is filled with a lot of creativity to keep doing these beautiful dolls and projects: Hugs!!

    1. Thank you Fer. Happy New Year to you and many blessings.

  2. She is so so pretty! I put her in my favs! I'm sure someone will snatch her up soon though! She really is special! Hugs and kisses to you, Diane

  3. Thanks Diane. Sending sweet hugs to you my friend.

  4. Buongiorno Ciao, sono Carmen da Milano Italia che ti scrive , prima di tutto Buon Anno. Ti seguo da un po' di tempo!!! Ho da poco creato un mio blog, anche a me piace dipingere creare e cucire!!!
    Complimenti per tutto cio' che crei è bellissimo, i tuoi disegni che poi li trasformi in Bambole è avere talento!!!
    Un cordiale saluto da Carmen...Milano...Italia
    ps. mi sono iscritta nei tuoi Followers!!! ma come ti chiami???

  5. Happy new year! I just love her dress....I hope you're off to an amazing year!

    1. Thank you Marissa. Wishing you and your beautiful young family a blessed New Year.
