Sunday, June 28, 2015

Hooo hooo...

Is that how you would spell the sound of an owl - hooo hooo?  I know there are many different versions, but I think I'll use this one. lol
Happy Sunday all!  I've named my new doll Janie and she informed me that she loves owls.  Likes to collect them - so off to the craft table and one was created for her.
Getting pretty hot here in Texas.  I sometimes like to take photos of my dolls outdoors - wow - broke a small sweat today photographing Ms. Janie!
Have a wonderful week and many blessings to all.

warm hugs from Texas!


  1. She is so sweet! Hopped over from sew darn crafty and I'm in love! She has the sweetest face!

    1. Thank you Bobbie! Thanks for hopping over. Have a great week!

  2. Es bellísima ,me encantan esos ojos !!!!!!!!!!!!
