Sunday, August 1, 2010

Aug 1st - 3 1/2 Months Until the Craftshow

Happy August month to all!  Goodness, this summer is flying by so quickly!  I'm already seeing back to school sales and kids and teachers not quite ready for school to start (like my daughter who teaches 1st grade).  But here I am working on what I love best - Christmas crafts.  Getting ready for my Christmas craftshow in the Fall.  I've done some Santas, ornaments and a few stitched pillows. 

These are just a few items I completed this weekend.  The Santa wall hanging and pillow was created using a picture from an old book I have.  I enlarged it and then used red floss for a Redwork stitched pillow.  The wall hanging is the same picture, but I used wool applicate for the hat and beard.  I added a rusty bell to both of the Santas.  They are quick, easy and so much fun to create. 

My Santa is not quite finished yet.  I haven't decided if I want to make him a Christmas stocking to hold or a bag full of goodies.  I have two other santa bodies that need their robes sewn.  I should have them ready to go by this week. 

If anyone is interested in my wall hanging and pillow email me.  I will take special orders.

The wallhanging is $14.95 and pillow is $12.95  

Hope everyone has a wonderful week - and thanks for stopping by!


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