Saturday, November 13, 2010

All Set Up For the Craftshow

Set up was today and we're ready for the start of the show on Monday morning. The show runs for a full week until next Saturday. Tear down starts at 3 pm. My booth is 3' by 8' and I'm very fortunate to be placed in middle of the room. My first year was upstairs and those stairs were tough! Of course the exercise was good for me, but I rather not do that again. This is my third year and thankful these last two years have been on the first floor.

Being in the middle of the room is very nice because I have two sides for my crafts. The booth was made by my husband and the door was purchased at an antique store.

The Holiday Craft Show is run by the ladies from the Baptist Church. The crafters are only required to host 4 hours during the week. It is a fabulous show and being that it's in downtown San Antonio, many of the customers are from all of the major business offices downtown.

Hope you enjoyed my pictures - going to finish up a few things that were started so that I can run them down there during the week.

Blessings to all!



  1. Pat, You have an awesome display!!! I know you will do very well. Your display and products are perfect!!!
    Have fun.

  2. Look at you!!! Pat your display is wonderful!! So festive I just love it. Thanks for the pix. I have one coming up in Dec but my space will definitely not look like that. It'll be very simple...easy to put up, easy to tear down...just stick it in a tub and go. LOL! Good luck and have fun!! :)

  3. So glad you posted pics. It looks absolutly wonderful! I love the old antique looking door! And is that chicken wire on top? Your items are great and you should do very well! Best wishes for a wonderful week!

  4. Awwww - thank you so much for the kind words. Yes, that is chicken wire on top. It's like a roof over the booth and yet it's open to give it an airy feel to it. For all those having a craft show soon- best of luck and have fun!
    Blessings to all


  5. OMG, what a great thing to do - and your booth looks so inviting - and well stocked!! I hope you have a great week!
