Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Trip to the International Quilt Show

If you never been to the International Quilt Show in Houston Texas you are missing out. I've been to this show now at least 10 times. It's every year the first week of Nov and talk about spectacular! Here are some of the items I purchased at the show (didn't pull out everything). I was there this past Thursday and Friday and took along my two sisters and my sister-in-law. Had a blast! Not only do they have some beautiful quilts from all over the world, but they must have hundreds of vendors with some really nice things. I navigated to the wool, as you can see. So much to see that it definitely would take you at least 2-3 days. Love that show!

Here are a couple of Santas that I worked on Sat. Until next time - happy sewing!


  1. Pat,
    It looks like Christmas came early!
    Your Santa dolls are nice. I like the wool trees on their coats.

  2. Would love to hear more about the quilt show! And your Santas are wonderful! ♥

  3. Oh I like the Santas! Sounds like you had fun at the quilt show. Your goodies look wonderful!


  4. Sounds like you had a great time, wish we had that type of show around me. I love the wool also. Love all of your Santas.
