Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Monday and Say Hello to Maddie

Happy Monday! It is for me since I'm a federal employee I get President's Day off! Yea! That gives me time to work on some dolls. And speaking of dolls - just finished this special little doll for a precious little baby. Her mommy is my niece, Lisa, and this is her first little girl. Lisa wanted something in purple so the perfect fabric in my stash was none other than some purple with white stars. Yes, stars for "a star is born"! I'll have her ready to be shipped out to California soon, but I have to work on something for her big brother (3 yr old Ethan). I think Ethan would probably like a monster! I'll have to sew him a stuffed monster. I think he'll like that.

Hope everyone is having a nice day. For those who are still living with snow - stay warm!



  1. Oh Pat!! she is such a cutie! Love her purple dress and that face is the sweetest!
    I wish I could get my faces to look that good!


  2. Tanya,
    Thanks - but I know you can do it. It just takes a little practice. I'll look forward to seeing your dolls soon!


  3. Very very cute Pat!! And congrats to your neice on her 1st girl!! Honesly...I wish I had a granddaughter to make things for...all I have are boys...LOL! I don't think one of my dolls would fit their room decor :(
