Thursday, September 29, 2011

New E-pattern And Santa In A Stocking

I finally finished getting my Christmas epattern completed as a pdf file for my Etsy Store.  Although the pillow and ornament were finished two months ago, the pdf file took forever to be completed.  I had trouble scanning the pattern.  For some reason it would not print with the correct measurements.  That was a pain, but sometimes all it takes is perseverance to get it done.  This is an easy one to stitch and I love it as an ornament.  For the pillow I've colored the holly leaves using a crayon, but you could also applique it with fabric or wool.  This is one of my favorite holiday songs - Have a holly, jolly Christmas!  You ought to hear me sing it - too funny - since I can't carry a tune!

The Santas were fun to do.  They are stuffed in a stocking with a list of names of good boys and girls.  This cute pattern is from The Olde Country Cupboard.  Sandy did her stocking in a tea-stained flannel, but I used a homespun fabric. Check her website at

I'm getting some request for some more dolls in my Etsy shop - and I'm itching to work on them, but I really should finish up some snowmen and some more santas.  I'll have to see.  Until then remember, "All is Bright" and hugs to all!

Friday, September 23, 2011

A Wonderful Day For Finishing Projects

Yes, a wonderful day indeed.  First day of Autumn and a day off from work helped me get some projects done for the show in Nov.  First up was finishing two dolls.  Actually, they aren't quite finished yet.  I still want to add a Christmas pillow or a wreath or maybe a teddy bear.  Something will come to mind - the main thing is they are almost done.  Just have to get busy and make about ten more!!

The stars below are from a pattern by My Primitive Saltbox I just bought through Etsy.  They are so easy and really look much pretty in person.  I made six real quick and thinking about making a dozen more.  They are made of tea-stained Warm n Natural batting and then I sprinkled mica flakes with an adhesive spray.  They are ornies for a bowl, but I think I'll add string to the stars for hanging on a tree or a cabinet door knob.
I also finished those snow pillows I posted earlier and I'm finalizing my new design for a Christmas stitched e-pattern that hopefully will be posted in Etsy by mid week.  Busy, busy, busy, but so enjoying the cooler weather that certainly helps to get in the mood for crafting -  looks like it did for me!  Have a great weekend and Happy Fall Season to all!


Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Quicky Raggedy Doll

How quick did I make this doll?  Would you believe 2 hours?  Yep, just two hours.  How did I do it so quick you ask?  Humm, because I've done over hundred of these girls?  Cause I'm good? (lol)  Ok, Ok I'll confess.  This is the FIRST time ever that I do not sew the dress.  Yes, you heard right.  The dress was sewn by the very talented Julie Marcotte from My Raggedy Dolls, who also designed this doll pattern.  I purchased the dress from her web site back in June.

 I'm suppose to be dressing some naked Santas, but this cute dress kept calling me to put together a body with brown eyes and red hair.  Now that she is posted I'll finish making dinner and hopefully get those naked Santas dressed!  Have a wonderful evening.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Craftroom Mess and Projects

I hope everyone's weekend was nice - I, on the other hand, didn't accomplish finishing some of my planned projects for the craft show as planned.  Too much socializing this weekend like playing cards with friends on Friday night, attending our Godson's wedding Sat and then Sunday night football -- which I hate to say my team lost :0(   Not enough time in the craft room can get you behind big time!  Speaking of spending time in the craft room -- check out these pictures of my "looks like your room was turned upside down."  What a mess!  That's what it looks like when I'm crunching on time.

I had just enough time to work on this cute snowman pillow from Liberty Creek Primitives.  As you can see below I have three additional pillows sewn and waiting for stuffing and the snowmen.  I really like these.

Then I messed around with a star and a wool heart with an appliqued snowman.  By the way, that's a sketched picture of my granddaughter and me.   I have that hanging in my craftroom.  OK - time to finish those snowmen pillows.  Happy sewing time!


Sunday, September 11, 2011

I Will Never Forget

I will never forget that dreadful day - 9-11.  I was home from work sick that morning and had just turned on the TV when the first Twin Tower was hit and watched in horror when the second one was then hit.  My prayers and thoughts are with all of the lost ones and their family and friends.  God Bless America.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Ms Halloween

Good morning and happy Labor Day!  I did another little witch and have named her Ms Halloween.  The last one was Ms Boo.  As I've posted before, I normally don't do a lot of Halloween crafts due to staying busy with the Christmas craft show in Nov, but this was a special order for a very special customer.  She was gonna grab the other one, but it went before she could get it on Etsy.  This lady is from Connecticut and is one my best customers, so I put down my Christmas crafting for a while and made this little girl this weekend. 

Since it's a holiday and I'm off from work I'm gonna take advantage and start sewing some snowmen.  Besides, with the 100+ degree temps here in Texas, I need to think of cold!  So to all -  stay cool!
