I finally finished getting my Christmas epattern completed as a pdf file for my Etsy Store. Although the pillow and ornament were finished two months ago, the pdf file took forever to be completed. I had trouble scanning the pattern. For some reason it would not print with the correct measurements. That was a pain, but sometimes all it takes is perseverance to get it done. This is an easy one to stitch and I love it as an ornament. For the pillow I've colored the holly leaves using a crayon, but you could also applique it with fabric or wool. This is one of my favorite holiday songs - Have a holly, jolly Christmas! You ought to hear me sing it - too funny - since I can't carry a tune!
The Santas were fun to do. They are stuffed in a stocking with a list of names of good boys and girls. This cute pattern is from The Olde Country Cupboard. Sandy did her stocking in a tea-stained flannel, but I used a homespun fabric. Check her website at www.theoldecountrycupboard.com
I'm getting some request for some more dolls in my Etsy shop - and I'm itching to work on them, but I really should finish up some snowmen and some more santas. I'll have to see. Until then remember, "All is Bright" and hugs to all!