Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Sewing Clutch

 Now that the holidays are over with - what are you all up too?

After finishing two dolls last week I started a little project for myself.  Since I go at least once a week to sit with Mom while Dad runs errands I normally take a small project to work on while visiting her.
I needed a special place to keep my sewing things and saw this cute pattern from "Primitive Quilts and Projects" magazine.   Love that magazine.
This is the front with my initials on top.  I used their pattern for the clutch, but used my own design for the appliqued part.  The clutch is all done in wool.

This is the inside.  A place for needles, pins, scissors and a pocket for small pieces of wool or a pattern.  The object is keeping a place for needles and my small scissors.

Then of course the back side.
Love my little sewing clutch.  It even fits in my purse - now I can carry it anywhere.
Time to think about working on a doll again.  Hummm, thinking about a little girl with a kitten.  Maybe I'll name her Kitty!
Lets see what happens - keep tuned in -  for I'll be back!


  1. That is really cute and a good idea. I hope your mother is doing okay. Hoping you had a fun holiday with your sweet granddaughter.

  2. That's darling Pat! I love making my own changes on others' patterns.

    Can't wait to see the dollie!


  3. That is really awesome. Wish you a happy holiday. you made such a nice clutch.
    Crystal silver gold purse

  4. Love your sewing clutch/keeper! You did a great job on it.

  5. What a sweet blog! If, you don't mind, I think I will follow!! love your sweet dolls and that clutch is so neat!!!

  6. That is adorable and will be handy for taking with you to another room! Enjoy your week, my friend!

  7. I really love your sewing clutch. :D And I sure need to make one for myself. . .
