Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year - new dolls


Happy New Year to all! 
Since being under the weather for the past week I finally was well enough to work on these two dolls for my Etsy shop.
Kylie and Julie - Kylie insisted on a head band and Julie wanted a heart on her apron.  She looks cute for Valentine's Day. 
Any New Year's resolutions?  Mine to get organized for the Fall Holiday show.  I use to have an excuse that I worked full time and therefore was stressing at the last two months to get my crafting done.  Now that I'm retired - no excuses anymore!  I plan on working at least 2-3 (depending on the size) projects a week for the show.  You might think that's not enough, but trust me it is.  Besides I have to redo my pantry - clean out my bedroom closet - redo a section of the kitchen (where we will remove a desk that is attached to the wall) - helping my dad take care of my mom and we must not forget my dolls.  That ought to keep me busy.  Thankfully hubby has about a couple of years before he retires.  I seem to get more things done when he is out at work.  Does that happen to you all?
What ever your resolutions might be - good luck to all!  Take care.
    Pat C


  1. I love them!! That headband is adorable!! I've been sick too and way behind on doll making and house work too. And I can totally relate to the Hubby being home thing (I can't get anything done when mine is off work)hehe


  2. Your new dollies are so sweet and I love your new banner. It's amazing to me how different the eyes and faces are and how expressive each doll is. I love the top on the left....she looks shy. I put one of your new ones in my favs on Etsy! And hubby and I are both retired but when he leaves the house to run errands or go somewhere...I get so much done! lol Hug!

  3. I love it! We get so busy when we retire, it's hard to imagine working at a regular job again. It just makes me smile to read all your plans :) Take care and I hope the coming year is good to you and yours! Love and hugs, Vicki
