Saturday, April 24, 2010

Time to show off my winnings!

Here is a picture of what I got in the mail yesterday from Sandy at The Olde Country Cupboard. She had a give away for her homemade tarts and I was one of the lucky winners. In fact, because she had so many who entered, she decided to pick 5 winners instead of the one. How sweet is that! Sandy thank you so much - what a pleasant surprise to get the large assortment of the different scents. And they spell so yummy! I put some out in my kitchen already!

You all need to check out her blog at
She has the cutest raggedy dolls, santas, snowmen and much more.

While I was taking pictures of my winnings my eye caught one of my table toppers. This one I used wool and fabric and hand quilted the borders. I made this several years ago that I can't remember what pattern it came from. If you could see my collection of patterns then you'd know why I can't remember! This sits in one of my end tables in the family room. Have I mentioned to you how I love working with wool!
Until next time, have a great day!

Friday, April 23, 2010

A Soon to be an Etsy Doll

Good Friday all! Just finished Molly and soon she'll be in my Etsy store. I haven't had the time to get that started yet, but hopefully soon. Molly is from a Sweet Meadows Farm doll pattern. Maureen has the cutest doll patterns. This is the 12 in from "We R Family." Love that pattern! And with some tips from my friend Jess, Little Dirt Lane, I think she came out cute!

Well, gotta get back to the orders that need finishing. Until then, have a wonderful weekend! And as we would say here in San Antonio TX - Happy Fiesta! (It's Fiesta week here).


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ta Da!

Finally finished dressing up the girls! They have their Sunday best and ready to hit the road! I have to confess to you all that I really fall in love with all my dolls. Sometimes it's hard to let them go. I especially love Ruby - she is soooo cute. The color of hair, eyes, and dresses are all selected by the customer. I had an order of 4 - one each for her granddaughters and the 5th is for the customer's daughter. Hence the names on the apron - all personalized. So much fun to make.

Well, I'm now down to 20 finished dolls and just 5 more to go! Better get ready to start the body parts! Gotta love it! All is bright!


Friday, April 16, 2010

Look what I won...

Posted by Picasa A sweet bunny pin and some primitive Easter eggs. How cute are they! Becky Schneider from Primitives n Stitchin had a give away - in fact there were 3 items that went to 3 lucky ladies. Had to do a show and tell with my first ever win. Check out Becky's blog at Thanks Becky!

Remember those unclothed dolls in my previous blog (they were the "Before"). Well soon I'll be posting the "After." They are almost all dressed up and ready to go their adopted mommy's. Until later - happy sewing all!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Back to the Dolls

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Yep, back to the doll orders. I finished 5 dolls, well almost finished them. Looks like they still need dresses and hair bows. This order called for blue eyes, blondes and brunettes. Some will be dressed in pinks and others in greens. Each will have aprons with the little girl's name embroidered on them.

Pattern is by My Raggedy Dolls - but I have to say my favorite part is designing the outfits and making each one different. Loving it!

Hope everyone is having a great day! And to all of those who sew - Happy Sewing!


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Taking a break from dolls

I love sewing dolls - but sometimes a girl needs a break. I've started working on some Christmas items for my one and only craft show I do right before Thanksgiving. Besides the dolls, I love sewing santas and ornaments. The pictures I've downloaded are some from my show last year. Some patterns that I've bought are from a very talented lady named Sandy from "Olde Country Cupboard". I've designed a few ornaments myself, but with working full time I just don't have all that much time to create too many. Hope all by blogging friends are having a wonderful day! Happy sewing to all!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bluebonnets in Texas

Hi everyone!
As you can see Spring is here! And the bluebonnets in Texas are plentiful - at least in the San Antonio area. Pictured among the bluebonnets is my 3 year old granddaughter - Cadie. She is my pride and joy and for those of you who are Grandmas - you know what I'm talking about!

Here's wishing everybody a Blessed Easter - and enjoy the day with your family and friends. Happy sewing!

PatC - All is Bright!

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