Thursday, April 8, 2010

Taking a break from dolls

I love sewing dolls - but sometimes a girl needs a break. I've started working on some Christmas items for my one and only craft show I do right before Thanksgiving. Besides the dolls, I love sewing santas and ornaments. The pictures I've downloaded are some from my show last year. Some patterns that I've bought are from a very talented lady named Sandy from "Olde Country Cupboard". I've designed a few ornaments myself, but with working full time I just don't have all that much time to create too many. Hope all by blogging friends are having a wonderful day! Happy sewing to all!


  1. I take breaks all the I have taken a pledge (that will probably not last) but at least I am committing to something...NON STOP WORK...yeah, that is what I am doing...your show must have been a hit!

    XOXO Jess

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Your dolls are adorable too! I just love Christmas time and all the adorable Santa's Snowmen and more that time of year. Your Santa is darling. Have a wonderful, warm day! God bless, Cathy
