Monday, April 12, 2010

Back to the Dolls

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Yep, back to the doll orders. I finished 5 dolls, well almost finished them. Looks like they still need dresses and hair bows. This order called for blue eyes, blondes and brunettes. Some will be dressed in pinks and others in greens. Each will have aprons with the little girl's name embroidered on them.

Pattern is by My Raggedy Dolls - but I have to say my favorite part is designing the outfits and making each one different. Loving it!

Hope everyone is having a great day! And to all of those who sew - Happy Sewing!



  1. They look awesome Pat! You've got your hands full!

    XOXO Jess

  2. Какие голубоглазые и очаровательные!!! Прелесть!))
