The doll I'm posting here today was especially made for a beautiful, warm hearted, and caring friend of mine. Lisa was just diagnosed with breast cancer a month ago and is now going for treatments. Lisa had wanted to purchase one of my dolls, so I made sure to get one done for her before she try and buy one from my Etsy store.
At first I thought I'd make her a doll with the pink dress and pink ribbon used for the Fight Against Breast Cancer. But then I thought, maybe she'd want something to not always remind her of the fight ahead of her. Something bright, cheerful, sunny - a yellow dress. Hopefully, when she looks at her doll, the sunshine will beam upon her and bring a smile to her face and encouragement to beat this cancer.
All the love I put into making this doll so special for her was paid off by Lisa telling me "when I saw her - it brought a smile to my face." Our prayers and thoughts are always with you Lisa.