Sunday, November 21, 2010

Craft Show Is Over And Now Ready For Etsy

My one and only craft show of the year is over and I'm happy to report that it was a success! It was a great week, indeed. So now that it's over time to start sewing up some dolls for my Etsy shop. I worked on these two cuties today. I'll probably have them ready for Etsy tomorrow, but if anyone is interested, all you have to do is email me.

Here's wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving and blessings to all!
Both dolls sold - thank you!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Girls

OK - the craftshow is midway done. Just three more days to go and I'm happy to report that so far it's been going real good. In fact, after the first day on Monday I received a call from the folks running the craftshow informing me I needed to bring in more stuff! So quickly I whipped up some pillows and the three girls shown above. Well, not that quick - I worked 12 hours yesterday just in crafting. I'm glad I took leave from work all this week.

This is the first time I sell my dolls at this show and I wasn't sure how well they'd do. I've sold all those that I've taken, which I'm so happy for that. Yesterday I spent most of the day making these three and they are now out at my display. If they don't sell - then Etsy they will go!

Guess I'll get busy making some snowmen (big sellers this year) and ornaments for my last few days! Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, November 15, 2010

We R Family

Another wool wall hanging. This pattern is by Primitive Gatherings called We Are Family Framed. The pattern does not have the stitched "We R Family". I decided to add that.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

All Set Up For the Craftshow

Set up was today and we're ready for the start of the show on Monday morning. The show runs for a full week until next Saturday. Tear down starts at 3 pm. My booth is 3' by 8' and I'm very fortunate to be placed in middle of the room. My first year was upstairs and those stairs were tough! Of course the exercise was good for me, but I rather not do that again. This is my third year and thankful these last two years have been on the first floor.

Being in the middle of the room is very nice because I have two sides for my crafts. The booth was made by my husband and the door was purchased at an antique store.

The Holiday Craft Show is run by the ladies from the Baptist Church. The crafters are only required to host 4 hours during the week. It is a fabulous show and being that it's in downtown San Antonio, many of the customers are from all of the major business offices downtown.

Hope you enjoyed my pictures - going to finish up a few things that were started so that I can run them down there during the week.

Blessings to all!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Finishing Up a Few Things!

Hi! Finishing up a few things before I start packing for my craft show. Set up is this coming Saturday and the show beings on Monday. I'm going to take some pictures after it's all set up and post them here.

The Faith, Hope, and Love stitchery above is a pattern I purchased last week at the Houston show. It is from Plum Creek. Tammy who creates these wonderful patterns was there. I have several of her patterns and love them all. Actually this pattern is for punch needle embroidery, but if you've ever done that - it takes awhile! So I did an easy running stitch and then appliqued the hearts and wings with wool.

The ornies below is from a pattern I used last year except they had wings. This time I decided to use hearts instead. Sometimes it's good to change your items a little so that returning customers get new things. Well back to work - I'd like to try and finish a snowman wool table runner and finish tagging my inventory. So much work - not enough hours in the day!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Trip to the International Quilt Show

If you never been to the International Quilt Show in Houston Texas you are missing out. I've been to this show now at least 10 times. It's every year the first week of Nov and talk about spectacular! Here are some of the items I purchased at the show (didn't pull out everything). I was there this past Thursday and Friday and took along my two sisters and my sister-in-law. Had a blast! Not only do they have some beautiful quilts from all over the world, but they must have hundreds of vendors with some really nice things. I navigated to the wool, as you can see. So much to see that it definitely would take you at least 2-3 days. Love that show!

Here are a couple of Santas that I worked on Sat. Until next time - happy sewing!