Sunday, January 30, 2011
Cassie and Her Bunny
We Have A Winner!
So Jean, email me your home address so that I can mail her to you immediately, and hurry before I change my mind! Just kidding - congratulations Jean!
Hugs to all my blogger friends and especially to my new found followers!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Let Your Heart Be Glad
Thank you all for entering my give away and the most wonderful comments! I'm getting so excited about my give away and just wish everyone could win. And for those of you who have not had a chance to enter - it's not too late! Either leave me a comment on this post or just click on the side bar. Good luck to all!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
My Give Away - Just in Time for Valentines
This little cutie not only is dressed up for Valentine's Day, but she also holds the "key to your heart."
To win the "key to your heart" doll all you have to do is:
1. Become a follower of my blog (and you don't need to have a blog to enter)
2. Leave me a comment (something like "I want to be entered")
3. Post the give away on your blog and you'll get your name entered twice
The drawing will be on 30 Jan 11. That will give me plenty of time to mail her to you before Valentine's Day.
Thank you for following my blog. Your nice comments always puts a smile in my heart. Here's hoping my doll does the same.

Sunday, January 2, 2011
Another New Doll
What? Another doll you say? My Etsy shop was pitiful. I didn't have any dolls left so I started my New Year busy with three new dolls. I have yet to post my green eyed Callie. She will have to wait until tomorrow.
Meanwhile, introducing my 14 inch Carly and her brand new doll. Santa was good to her! Carly is a Threadbare Primitive pattern and her dollie is a pattern by my friend, Jess, from Little Dirt Lane. Love making that little doll - well I love making all of my dolls, but that little mini is so much fun!
Carly is in my Etsy shop!