I chose the rose fabric for the red head doll. Both dolls are from a Sweet Meadow Farms pattern.
This is Allie and she is the custom doll made especially for Debby's granddaughter whose name is Allie. She wanted a doll with red hair - Allie I hope you love her! Debby is a blogger friend and we both have things in common - love of grandchildren and dolls. Check Debby's blog at Cozy Blanket.
This blue-eyed little one wears her message "wish upon a star". I can guess what she is wishing for - a home full of love. She will soon be added to my Esty shop.
My next project are dolls for two flower girls. My granddaughter Cadie and another little girl are going to be the flowers girls for my niece's wedding in March. I've been commissioned (without pay lol!) to make each little girl her own flower girl doll. Can't wait to begin these. I went shopping yesterday for fabric, paint, ribbon and flowers to match their dresses. I might post some pictures.
Until next time - take care my friends!