I know - it's still Spring and I'm enjoying this season. I love Spring thyme, but I really have to start thinking about my Winter thyme craft show.
I took the day off from work so that I could go and sit with my Mom while Dad went out and ran some errands. It's always fun when just the two of us get to sit and talk about anything and everything. So while we did our girl talk I worked on this little project to kick start my inventory for the holiday show in the fall. I got this little wool snowman pattern from a magazine I picked up called Primitive Quilts and Projects. I really love this magazine so much that I went on line and ordered a subscription for it. One of the projects is from JoAnn Mullaly and it's called "In the Woods". It is a wall hanging or could be used for a table top. The design is for the snowman with four trees. I just did one tree and added the words "Winter Thyme" and made it into a small pillow. So easy and fun.
So friends, this is my show and tell for now. I'm working on a special order for a doll, have a raggedy ann and andy doll without their makeup and clothes and about two christmas wool projects still needing to be finished.
Until next time - take care!